If your canine has just swallowed a sock, don’t panic! chances are, he’ll be OK.
I recommend you try to get him to throw up. much more on that below.
I’m going to share with you my recent experience with my canine swallowing a sock, and of course if you’re not sure what to do it’s always best to speak with with a vet.
My canine ate a sock, will he be OK?
A few weeks ago, my 3-year-old weimaraner Remy swallowed a sock best in front of me.
He has some possessiveness issues and tends to clamp down on items as hard as he can so I can’t get them … and in some cases he swallows those items.
Usually this is not a substantial deal, and we manage it. He swallows small wrappers, napkins and small pieces of trash all the time. Not a substantial deal.
But a sock?!
I saw he had the sock in his mouth, and I asked him to “drop it.” Looking back, I probably should’ve just ignored him and he would’ve set it down on his own. Or maybe I should’ve given him a hard bop to the nose.
Anyway … he looked at me and then proceeded to swallow the sock in one gulp. כֹּל.
Shit …
“Ha!” he said, a dumb grin on his face. “Drop what?!”
My initial thoughts were, “God damnit, you dumb dog! מה לעזאזל לא בסדר איתך?”
Smart dogs can do dumb things.
I thought of the substantial vet bill I might be facing and what it might be like to keep a young weimaraner calm for several weeks to recover from surgery. I was mad at myself for leaving the sock on the ground in the first place and pissed at my canine for ignoring my “drop” command for the millionth time.
Can a canine pass a sock?
After a frantic google search, I saw some people saying that their large dogs were able to pass a sock.
In our case, it was a thin, athletic sock, the kind that stops at the ankle. practically like a kid’s sock. and our canine is 62 pounds.
“Do I just do nothing and hope for the best?” אני תוהה. “Will he be able to pass it?”
It was a Sunday evening of course so our vet was closed.
I was NOT going to call the emergency vet. אין סיכוי. It’s terrific we have that option, but I have learned the hard way not to go that route unless it’s a true emergency ($$$$$!!).
So instead, my plan was to try to make Remy throw up using hydrogen peroxide and if that didn’t work, just wait it out and hope for the best. (Thank you, Maren, for your valuable advice!)
My canine ate a sock, ought to I make him throw up?
This is of course a question for your dog’s vet, but with my own canine I chose to make him throw up.
if your canine ate a sock, there are risks to making your canine throw up the sock. If the sock is large or if your canine is small, the sock could get stuck in his throat and become a choking hazard. I wasn’t concerned about this with my 62-pound canine and a small sock. and our vet was closed, so I just chose to try it.
Does hydrogen peroxide work to make a canine throw up?
Short version: Making my canine throw up the sock using hydrogen peroxide worked, eventually. My canine puked up the sock and he was fine. No trip to the vet. No money spent. Phew.
Long version: read on
Once we chose we were going to try to make Remy throw up using hydrogen peroxide, we kept him on a leash so we’d be able to get him if he did throw up the sock.
We are blessed with a canine who gets possessive of his own puke (!!) and I knew he’d for sure try to re-grab the freaking sock.
First dose of hydrogen peroxide went down, no puke.
Second dose … he threw up a lot. but no sock.
We gave a third dose and chose this would be the final dose. I’m no vet, and I don’t know how much hydrogen peroxide is safe to give. (Turns out, a third dose is typically not recommended for safety but it didn’t seem to bother Remy.)
So on the third dose … he puked again. Still no sock!
This canine is seriously stubborn.
Some dogs will throw up socks on their own
So, I chose at that point I would just wait it out and hope for the best. I went to bed that night hoping he’d be able to pass the sock or that his body would naturally throw it up just as he throws up pieces of wood, turf and chunks of plastic. (Oh, the joys!)
I’ll give him this, his system is efficient!
So, I got up the next morning and greeted my pup out in the living room where he sleeps. and oh my God, there was the sock! He’d puked it up in the middle of the night!
Only, after seeing me, my idiot canine quickly made a beeline for the sock and rapidly RESWALהנפל את הגרב!
הפעם, אני אוהב, “אוקיי, כלב. אתה הולך לזרוק את הגרב הארורה הזו. ”
אז התחלנו שוב את הטיפול במי חמצן.
מנה ראשונה:
כלב הסובורן שלי סירב להקיא. הוא הקים בפיו ובלע אותו.
מנה שנייה: אין פקה.
מנה שלישית:
יכולתי לומר שהוא מרגיש נמרץ. היה לי אותו ברצועה כדי שאוכל להרחיק אותו במהירות מהקוקה שלו.
ואז למעלה זה בא, גרב והכל!
הייתי צריך להתמודד ממש עם הכלב שלי כדי להרחיק אותו מלהיות מחדש את הגרב בפעם השלישית!
Wooooo! בשביל הזכייה!
קיבלתי את הגרב.
אז, סיפור ארוך קצר, שמור על הגרביים שלך אספו ושמור על מי חמצן. זה באמת עובד.
סיכונים להקיא את הכלב שלך
כמובן שלא תמיד זה בטוח לתת מי חמצן. אם הכלב שלך בלע משהו חד זה עלול לגרום נזק הרבה יותר לגרום לו להקיא.
שנית, כמו שאמרתי, תמיד יש את הסיכון לחנק.
ושלישית, כימיקלים או תרופות נוזליות מסוימות אינם מתערבבים היטב עם מי חמצן ועשיית כך יכולים להחמיר את המצב. יש דברים שאינם בטוחים אם הם מתערבבים עם מי חמצן.
אם יש ספק, אתה צריך תמיד לשאול וטרינר.
ראה את הפוסט שלנו כיצד לגרום לכלב שלך לזרוק באמצעות מי חמצן.
עכשיו אשמח לשמוע ממך!
מה הדבר הכי מוזר שהכלב שלך אכל?
אני מקווה שהכל יצא בסדר.
לינדזי סטורדל הוא המייסד של אותו מוט. היא כותבת על אימוני כלבים והתנהגות, אוכל כלבים גולמי בריא וריצה עם כלבים.