I was bitten by a big dog after I crossed a entrance into the dog’s yard.
This happened rather awhile ago. It was a dog I’d been walking as a dog walker a few times per week over a three-month period.
By sharing my experience, I hope I will keep somebody else safe.
I likewise want to discuss doorways, gates as well as other entryways in general, since these are obviously “high arousal” locations for a great deal of dogs that can potentially bring out aggression in a dog that’s normally friendly.
Dog aggression in doorways
Dog bites are more likely to occur in doorways, based on my own experience, for a few reasons:
1. Obviously, the dog might be guarding “her” residential property as well as family.
2. many dogs are more excited as well as generally riled up when somebody arrives or exits.
3. people are generally more excited in doorways, which doesn’t assist the dogs stay calm.
The very first issue, guarding property, is quite straightforward.
I believe adults understand to be cautious of a dog that is barking as well as growling as well as showing protective instincts. You wouldn’t walk with a entrance with a huge dog lunging as well as barking, I hope. You likewise wouldn’t want to walk with a entrance where a dog is stiff, silent, leaning ahead as well as staring. (Yikes!)
The second problem – dogs being more excited as well as “riled up” in entryways – is what I want to focus on, since it’s a bit harder for people to remember. The third problem (people acting excited) is related.
Back to my story on exactly how I was bitten
There are two dogs in the story, about 100 pounds each (not pictured).
The dogs were not showing protective instincts when I was on the outside of the gate, however these two dogs do tend to guard their lawn from strangers.
I announced myself as usual and once I crossed with the gate, I made the error of speaking to the dogs in a high-pitched, happy voice, which triggered them to get excited as well as begin jumping on me.
With most dogs, this type of excitement is not a serious issue, but it’s still smart not to get any type of dog as well excited.
On that specific day, my excited tone, plus the excitement of “Oh my gosh! The dog walker’s here!” led the dogs to begin nipping at me out of excitement.
Then, one dog began growling as well as trying to wrestle the other, as well as all the unexpected their “play” turned to fighting. They began to bite aggressively at each other as well as then at me.
[quote_center]They began to bite aggressively at each other as well as then at me.[/quote_center]
It was scary, as well as of program the whole thing happened in about two seconds.
I understood if I quickly tried to retreat through the gate, they would’ve grabbed at my legs. (And in some serious cases, that may still be your finest option.)
Instead, I used my most authoritative voice as well as stated “HEY!” which got their interest for a split second.
Then I said, “Treats?” while doing their hand signal for sit.
Thankfully, these are quite well-trained dogs (despite this incident) as well as treat motivated.
They instantaneously stopped as well as sat for “treats” that I didn’t even have. I reached into my pocket anyway as well as pretended to toss some treats away from me, which they happily ran to look for.
And then they’d forgotten about the whole thing as well as returned to their happy, friendly states.
I of program was shaken up; I understood the circumstance could’ve turned out much worse. I felt lucky I only had one little bite on my arm. The skin was broken, however I was fine.
What can we discover from all of this?
I acknowledged my mistakes in the above story, as well as I understood not to take the incident personally.
We all should understand by now, any type of dog can bite. Dogs are dogs.
My own lab mix Ace nipped my other half on the nose a number of years ago, breaking the skin.
This wasn’t in an entryway, however it was during play where we’d gotten our dog overly excited as well as “riled up.”
Anyone who understands Ace might never envision him biting, however it happened.
Hopefully, these examples will assist remind us that we requirement to keep safety in mind around all dogs, even dogs we know.
Here are my tips for interacting with dogs in entryways
These are just ideas. Please add more in the comments:
[צ’ק ליסט]
Always greet a dog with calm energy unless you’re extremely familiar with the dog
Use a calm voice
Keep an upright however unwinded posture as well as keep your deal with away from the dog
Ask the dog to sit, if possible
Ignore dogs that are juמפיץ ‘כמו גם לנגום עליך; להתרחק ברוגע אם אתה יכול
שמור על עצמך בטוח; אל תסמוך על בעל הכלב
אל תתקרב לכלב אם אינך בטוח; סמוך על האינסטינקטים שלך
[/צ’ק ליסט]
טיפים לבעלי כלבים:
[צ’ק ליסט]
שמור על שערים נעולים אם אתה משאיר את הכלב שלך בחוץ ללא השגחה
למד את הכלב שלך נימוסים מתאימים בדלת, כמו גם להשתמש ברצועה במידת הצורך
הכניסו את הכלב שלכם למרחב אחד נוסף כשאנשים מופיעים אם הכלב שלכם מעורר גם על ידי המבקרים
אם אתה שוכר הליכון כלבים, הישאר בית בפעמים הראשונות היא מגיעה ללכת עם הכלב שלך
עודדו את המבקרים להתעלם מהכלב שלכם עד שהיא רגועה
[/צ’ק ליסט]
אז מה כולכם חושבים? האם אתה מסכים איתי? כל סוג של מושגים להוסיף בדיוק כיצד למנוע תוקפנות כלבים בפתחים?
האם אי פעם ננשך על ידי כלב שהתרגש יתר על המידה?
פוסטים בבלוג קשורים:
5 טעויות שעשיתי שהביאו לכלב Bitesdo שאתה משחק להילחם עם הכלב שלך?
טיפים לניהול כלב תגובתי ברצועה, כלב לחוץ מלהיות נשיכה