The most important info to put on a Dog’s ID tag

What’s the most important info to put on a dog’s ID tag?

תגיד לי מה אתה חושב.

My pets’ tags are simple. Their tags include their names and two phone numbers (my cell and my husband’s cell).

But is that the best info?

Obviously the more info you can put on the tags, the better.

One of my readers really impressed me when she said she fit the following on one nameplate:

dog’s name & “chipped”

מספר טלפון

מספר רשיון

rabies tag number

That’s a lot of important info crammed onto one little name plate!

It got me thinking … am I including enough info on my pets’ tags?!

This post is sponsored by dogIDs.

Important info to put on a dog’s ID tag

dogIDs is a business that sells personalized dog collars and ID tags. I asked the company if there is any additional info pet owners should include on the tags beyond the basic name, phone number and perhaps address. here were some suggestions:

1. medical needs

One idea the company suggested is to specify on the tag if your dog has any major medical issues.

For example, maybe your dog needs medication such as insulin and someone who finds your dog would have no way of knowing this otherwise.

2. Phone number on the actual collar

Another suggestion from dogIDs is to put your dog’s phone number right on the actual collar like we’ve done with Remy (below). This can be through embroidery or with a nameplate. Either way, your dog carries your number even if he loses his tag.

And obviously, make sure the number is current and working.

One of the most commonly encountered issues with lost pets is if they’re wearing tags at all, the info is sometimes out of date, according to Aurora Piacentino, senior manager of shelter operations for animal care Centers of new York City.

3. Your last name and zip code

The pet owner’s name and general vicinity like “Manhattan” or a zip code is also helpful, according to Piacentino. While the pet’s name is a nice touch, lost animals are likely to be stressed and overwhelmed, so it’s not essential.

4. Make sure your new dog has ID tags right away!

When you adopt a puppy—or especially an adult dog—make sure the dog has an ID tag right away, before you even leave the shelter or rescue group. At the very least, he should have a tag with the rescue group’s contact information.

I volunteer with a Labrador rescue and, sadly, at least once a year a newly adopted dog gets away from his new family the first day home. An ID tag is a lifesaver in these situations.

An example: Edward the Yorkshire terrier

Sarah Angst is a blogger who writes about Yorkshire terriers, and she told me about a similar experience with one of her foster dogs.

The Yorkie, Edward (pictured with his new mom), had just gotten adopted and his new family hadn’t gotten him a new collar yet. He was riding in the car while the family dropped the kids off at school, and he managed to escape during the commotion.

“He was roaming the streets for two days in the rain,” Angst said. “We spent countless hours and a sleepless night looking everywhere, posting on Facebook, talking to shelters and vets and putting up flyers.”

Thankfully, Edward was still wearing his old collar and tags Angst had gotten him, and she received a phone call that someone had found Edward.

Angst is a firm believer in microchips but without a collar and tag she said a regular person who finds your pet will have no way to contact you.

Piacentino made the same point:

“Anyone can see a tag and call a phone number—there’s no need to call a central database to access owner information; no need to visit a vet or shelter to scan for a microchip.”

After the experience with Edward, Angst recommends that pet owners:

Make sure to have recent photos of their pets for posting on Facebook and fliers

Always keep a collar and tag on their pets.

Angst said in the past she would sometimes wait a few days before putting a dog’s collar back on after a bath. That changed after her experience with Edward.

“Make the collar a priority,” she said.

Giveaway – Win a paw print ID tag for your pet

*This giveaway has ended.

dogIDs is giving away a free paw print ID tag to one lucky reader of That Mutt.


Just leave a comment below. let me know which one of your pets could use a new tag.

The tag includes the pet’s name on the front and up to 4 lines of information on the back.

I’ll choose the winner at random on Wednesday may 18. must have a U.S. mailing address to win.

(Available sizes are 1” diameter and 1 1/4“ diameter.)

Which one of your pets could use an updated ID tag?

Let me יודע בתגובות!

*אתה יכול גם להשתמש בקוד קופון Thismutt בקופה כדי לחסוך 10% בכל המוצרים של Dogids.

פוסטים קשורים:

כיצד תגי מזהי כלבים יכולים להציל את חיי חיית המחמד – 3 דוגמאות (בלוג Dogids)

צווארוני הכלבים העמידים למים הטובים ביותר

יורקי Splash & Shine (הבלוג של שרה אנסט)

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